Sunking Solar Prices in Nigeria Home: An Honest Review (2024 Update)

Living in Nigeria, you know the struggle is real. Power cuts are a constant battle, affecting everyone from city folks in Lagos to those in remote villages. But there’s finally some good news! Sunking Solar is here to bring clean, reliable power to your home, and at an affordable price.

Sunking Solar isn’t just about fancy panels. They offer complete solar systems, like the Sunking Home, that include everything you need: a solar panel to collect the sun’s power, a battery to store it, bright LED lights to light up your night, and even a way to charge your phone. No more scrambling for candles or missing your favorite show because the lights went out!

The best part? Sunking Solar keeps things budget-friendly. Sure, there’s an upfront cost, but it’s way cheaper than those ever-increasing electricity bills. Plus, Sunking Solar gets that money might be tight, so they offer flexible payment options to make going solar easier than ever.

With more and more Nigerians looking for ways to save money and help the environment, Sunking Solar is a game-changer. Not only will you have reliable light and power, but you’ll also be doing your part for a greener Nigeria. Stay tuned to this blog post as we dive deeper into Sunking Solar products, pricing, and how they can brighten your life.

SunKing Solar Price in Nigeria Home 8000, 600 – Sun King TV, Specs

SunKing Home 600

The SunKing Home 600 is a solar-powered kit that brings light and phone charging to your home, even in areas with power cuts. Here’s a quick breakdown:

What it is:

  • An all-in-one solar system with a solar panel, battery, LED lights, and USB phone charging.


  • Around N273,500 for the basic kit (price may vary). Financing options might be available.


  • Affordable: Compared to buying electricity all the time, the SunKing Home 600 saves you money in the long run.
  • Reliable: Even with weak sunlight, it charges well and keeps your lights on.
  • Easy to use: Setting it up is simple, and the lights have different brightness settings.
  • Durable: Built to last for many years.


  • Limited Power: It can’t power big appliances like refrigerators.
  • Not always bright enough: On cloudy days, the lights might not be super bright.

How long does it last?

  • Normal use: Lights for up to 10 hours and phone charging throughout the day (depending on sunlight).
  • Optimal use: With good sunlight, lights can last the whole night and phones can be charged multiple times.

What people are saying:

  • Users like that it’s easy to use and reliable, especially in areas with power cuts.
  • Some reviewers say the lights aren’t always bright enough on cloudy days.

Thinking of getting one?

The SunKing Home 600 is a good option if you’re looking for a way to bring light and phone charging to your home without relying on the main power grid. It’s affordable, easy to use, and will save you money on electricity bills in the long run.  However, keep in mind it can’t power big appliances and might not be super bright on cloudy days.

SunKing Home 8000 and Pricing Options in Nigeria


The SunKing Home 8000 is a solar power system that lets you run lights, charge devices, and even power appliances in your home using the sun’s energy. It’s a great option for Nigerians looking for a reliable and money-saving way to get electricity, especially during power outages.

Price: The price depends on how many solar panels you get. Here’s a general idea (actual prices may vary):

  • 2 panels: ₦1,400,000 – ₦1,500,000 (good for small homes or moderate energy use)
  • 4 panels: More expensive, but good for bigger homes or high energy needs.


  • Saves you money on electricity bills in the long run.
  • Provides clean, reliable power even during blackouts.
  • Easy to use and maintain.
  • Comes with long-lasting battery and energy-saving LED lights.
  • Can charge your phone and other devices with USB ports.


  • Higher upfront cost compared to traditional electricity.
  • Relies on sunlight, so might not generate enough power on cloudy days.

How long it lasts: This depends on how much power you use and how much sunlight you get.

  • Normal usage (lights and phone charging): Up to 12 hours per day.
  • Optimal usage (some appliances): Around 8 hours per day.

What people are saying:

  • SunKing users: Many users love the reliability and money-saving benefits of the SunKing Home 8000.
  • Experts: Experts recommend SunKing for its affordability and durability. However, they suggest considering your energy needs before choosing a panel configuration.

Sun King Home 120 Price in Nigeria


The Sun King Home 120 is a solar power system that brings light and phone charging to your home without relying on the main grid.  Think of it as a portable solar generator for your house!

Price in Nigeria: The Sun King Home 120 costs around ₦144,200 in Nigeria (as of April 2024).


  • Affordable: Makes solar power accessible for many people.
  • Easy to use: Compact design and simple installation.
  • Reliable: Provides light and phone charging even in areas with unreliable electricity.
  • Multiple lights: Comes with bright LED lights with different settings.
  • Durable battery: Lasts for years with proper care.
  • Phone charging: USB ports to keep your devices powered.


  • Upfront cost: While affordable for solar systems, it’s still a bigger purchase.
  • Not for heavy appliances: Can’t power big things like fridges or TVs.

How long does it last?

  • Normal usage (a few lights and phone charging): Up to 2 nights (depending on sunlight during the day).
  • Optimal usage (sunny days, minimal light use): Can last 3 nights or more.

What people are saying:

  • Users love: Easy setup, reliable light source, perfect for areas with power cuts.
  • Things to consider: While many users are happy, some wish it could power more appliances.

Overall, the Sun King Home 120 is a great option for bringing clean, reliable solar power to your home in Nigeria. It’s easy to use, lasts a good amount of time, and provides essential lighting and phone charging.

Sun King Home 60 Price in Nigeria


The Sun King Home 60 is a solar-powered lighting system that brings clean energy to your home in Nigeria. Here’s the breakdown:

Price: Prices can vary depending on the seller, but expect to pay around ₦48,500 (as of April 2024).


  • Saves money on electricity bills: Harnesses the free power of the sun!
  • Multiple light settings: Choose between bright (100 lumens), regular (50 lumens), and low (20 lumens) depending on your needs.
  • Charges your phone: Built-in USB ports keep your devices powered up.
  • Durable and long-lasting: The lithium battery and solar panel are built to last for years.
  • Easy to use: No complicated setup required.


  • Not as bright as a generator: Provides light for a room, but not for big spaces.
  • Needs sunlight to charge: Won’t work as well on cloudy days.

How long does it last?

  • Normal usage (low light): Up to 24 hours on a full charge.
  • Optimal usage (medium light): Around 12 hours on a full charge.

What people are saying:

  • Users love: Affordability, easy to use, multiple light settings, phone charging.
  • Things to consider: Not super bright, needs sunlight for best performance.

Overall, the Sun King Home 60 is a good option for those looking for a reliable and affordable solar lighting solution for their homes in Nigeria.

Sun King Home 400 Price in Nigeria

What it is: The Sun King Home 400 is a solar power system that brings clean energy to your home in Nigeria. It’s like having a mini power station that runs on sunshine!

Price: The Sun King Home 400 costs around ₦265,000 


  • Saves you money: No more relying on expensive generators or unreliable grid power.
  • Lights your home: Bright LED lights keep your home illuminated at night.
  • Charges your phone: Built-in USB ports let you charge your phone directly from the sun.
  • Durable and reliable: Built to last with a tough battery and efficient solar panels.
  • Easy to use: Fits seamlessly into your daily life, no complicated setup needed.


  • Higher upfront cost: While it saves money in the long run, the initial cost is higher than buying candles or kerosene.
  • Not for heavy power use: Great for lights and phone charging, but may not run large appliances.

How long does it last?

  • Normal usage (a few lights on for several hours): Up to 2 days
  • Optimal usage (sunny days, minimal lighting): Up to 3 days

What people are saying:

  • Local users: Many Nigerians find the Sun King Home 400 to be a lifesaver during power outages, keeping their homes lit and phones charged.
  • Experts: This system is praised for its affordability and contribution to bringing clean energy to communities.

Thinking about getting a Sun King Home 400?  It’s a great option for families who want reliable light and phone charging without depending on the main grid. Remember, the initial cost is higher, but you’ll save money over time on electricity bills.

Choosing the Right SunKing Solar Product in Nigeria

SunKing offers a variety of solar light options to brighten your home, but picking the right one can feel overwhelming. Here’s a breakdown to make it easy:

  1. How much light do you need?

Think about how many rooms you want to light and how often. SunKing has:

  • Small, portable lamps: Perfect for reading or camping (e.g. Pico Plus – NGN8,900).
  • Larger lanterns: Light up a whole room! (e.g. Pro 400 – NGN31,000 with phone charging).
  • Home systems: Power multiple lights, TVs, and even charge phones (e.g. Home 40 Plus – Price varies based on retailer).
  1. Does your area get full sun?

Most SunKing lights work anywhere in Nigeria, but some are extra-bright for areas with less sunlight.

  1. How much can you spend?

SunKing has options for every budget, from small lamps under NGN10,000 to complete home systems.

  1. What features are important?
  • Battery life: SunKing lights last for several hours on a full charge.
  • A small lamp like the Pico Plus can last up to 12 hours on low mode.
  • Larger lanterns like the Pro 400 can last up to 8 hours on high mode.
  • USB charging: Some lights, like the Pro 200, can charge your phone!
  • Multiple light settings: Many SunKing lights have different brightness levels.
  1. What do people say?

SunKing users love their long-lasting lights, easy charging, and affordability.  However, some users say the brightest setting can drain the battery faster.

Here’s a tip:  Look for lights with a  “lumens” rating. The higher the lumens, the brighter the light.

Remember: SunKing’s website and stores will have the latest prices and features. You can also read reviews from other Nigerians to see which light is perfect for you!

10 Things to Check in Solar Panels Before Buying

Thinking about switching to solar power? Here’s a checklist to make sure you get the best panels for your home:

  1. Efficiency: More Power, Less Work

Just like gas mileage for your car, solar panel efficiency matters. Higher efficiency means your panels produce more electricity from sunlight, so you might need fewer panels overall. Look for panels around 20-22% efficiency, which is a good balance of performance and price.

  1. Warranty: How Long Will They Last?

Solar panels are a long-term investment, so a good warranty is key. Most panels come with a 12-year product warranty and a 25-year performance warranty. This ensures they’ll be covered for defects and maintain most of their power output over time.

  1. Cell Type: Not All Panels Are Created Equal

There are three main types of solar cells:

  • Monocrystalline: Most efficient (around 20-22%), but also the most expensive.
  • Polycrystalline: Less efficient (around 15-18%) but more affordable and good for areas with variable sunlight.
  • Thin-film: Less efficient (around 10-13%) but lightweight and flexible, good for odd-shaped roofs.

Consider your budget, roof space, and sunlight conditions when choosing a cell type.

  1. Brand Matters: Going with a Reputable Company

Do your research! Look for solar panel manufacturers with a history of quality products and good customer service. Reading online reviews and checking consumer reports can be helpful.

  1. Built to Last:  Can They Handle the Weather?

Solar panels are exposed to the elements year-round. Make sure they’re built with durable materials that can withstand rain, snow, and even hail. Look for panels with a strong frame and weather-resistant glass.

  1. Certified Quality: Making Sure They Meet the Standards

Look for certifications from independent organizations like IEC or UL. These ensure the panels meet industry safety and performance standards.

  1. How Hot Does It Get?

Solar panels can lose efficiency in extreme heat. Check the temperature coefficient of the panels you’re considering. This tells you how much power output drops as the temperature rises.

  1. Will They Fit Your Roof?

Not all panels are the same size. Make sure the panels you choose are compatible with your roof size and layout. Talk to a solar installer to ensure a proper fit.

  1. Looks Aren’t Everything, But They Do Matter

Solar panels will be on your roof for a long time. Choose a design and color that complements your home’s aesthetics if that’s important to you.

  1. What Do People Say? Reading Reviews

Don’t just rely on marketing materials. Read reviews from real people who have installed solar panels. Look for insights on performance, reliability, and customer service experiences.

How Long Do Solar Panels Last?

With a good warranty and proper maintenance, solar panels can last 25 years or more. They won’t need constant upkeep, but occasional cleaning may be needed to remove dust or debris.

SunKing Solar Customer Care Number and Office Address

If you have any questions or need help with SunKing Solar products, feel free to get in touch with their customer service team. You can reach them at:

Customer Care Number: [+2348007865464]

Office Address: 19, Adekunle Fajuyi Way, Ikeja GRA, Lagos 101233, Lagos

They’re available to assist you with anything related to SunKing Solar, so don’t hesitate to reach out!

FAQ Section – Answering Common Questions

Q: How do I set up Sun King solar panels?

A: Setting up Sun King solar panels is usually easy. Just follow the instructions that come with them. For bigger installations, you might want to consider getting help from a professional.

Q: How long do Sun King batteries last?

A: Sun King batteries typically last for several years. However, how long they last exactly depends on how you use and take care of them.

Q: Do Sun King solar systems work on cloudy days?

A: Yes, they do! Even though their performance might not be as great as on sunny days, Sun King solar systems can still generate power when it’s cloudy outside.

Q: Do Sun King products come with a warranty?

A: Absolutely! Sun King products come with warranties. Make sure to check the specific product for the details of the warranty coverage.


SunKing Solar offers dependable and creative solutions for homes in Nigeria. When picking a SunKing Solar product, think about what you need, where you are, how much you can spend, and what features matter most to you. Opting for clean energy not only lights up your house but also helps build a greener, stronger energy system for Nigeria. Make the smart choice today to brighten the future for everyone.

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