Selling on Scrader: How to setup your store for logistics

Selling on Scrader: How to setup your store for logistics

Scrader offers a range of tools to enhance your ability to serve customers in a prompt and efficient manner. This guide will walk you through the process of establishing your logistics framework and effectively managing deliveries for each order.

Step 1

Verify and Update Your Address, Local Government Area (LGA), and State

To ensure smooth functioning of the logistics system, it is crucial to have accurate and up-to-date information regarding your address, LGA, and State.

To update your address, navigate to the store settings section and locate the “Store and Payment Details” option. Enter your current address and select your State/LGA from the provided options.

Step 2

Set Up Your Store for Efficient Logistics Management

When it comes to delivering your products to customers, Scrader offers two options: Scrader Express or utilizing an external rider.

What is Scrader Express? Scrader Express is an integrated system designed to automate the logistics process, eliminating the hassle of managing deliveries manually. The delivery cost is calculated during the order placement, and when you’re ready to dispatch the items, you can simply click a button on the orders page to request a rider. Please note that this service is currently available only in Lagos for packages with dimensions below 250cm*250cm.

To enable Scrader Express, access the store settings and navigate to the “Pickup and Deliveries” section. Click on “Enable Scrader Express” to activate this feature.

Step 3

Managing Orders and Delivery Status

Upon receiving an order, you need to promptly handle the delivery process. Follow these steps based on your chosen logistics method:

If you are located outside Lagos or prefer using your own logistics rider, select the “Manual Deliveries” option. Provide comprehensive details for each delivery area, including the applicable delivery price and estimated delivery time.

If you have enabled automated logistics through Scrader Express, the system will initiate a call to arrange order pickup. The delivery status will be automatically updated once the pickup is facilitated.

For manual delivery processing, ensure that you dispatch the product within the timeframe specified in your store settings.

To update the delivery status, access the order page and click on “Update Delivery Status” when the product is sent out and again when the delivery has been successfully completed.

Once the delivery has been confirmed, everything is in order! You can expect to receive payment for the order within 24 hours. If you require additional information regarding payments or have any related inquiries.

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