Breaking Down the Price Tag: How Much Does it Really Cost to Furnish a House in Nigeria

Embarking on the journey of moving into a new home in Nigeria is undeniably thrilling. Amidst the excitement, one burning question lingers: how much does it cost to furnish a house? The answer may surprise many, as the range can be as vast as the diversity within the nation.

Furnishing a house is a substantial investment, often underestimated by buyers. In this article, we unveil the mystery surrounding home furnishing costs in Nigeria, providing a sharp and concise breakdown to guide you through the process.

The critical question echoes in the minds of new homeowners across Nigeria: “How much does it cost to furnish a house?” We delve into the intricacies of this often-overlooked aspect of homeownership.

Prepare to explore the details as we tease the breakdown of costs. From the size and type of the house to the influence of location and desired furnishing levels, we’ll uncover the factors shaping the overall expense. Get ready to discover the cost breakdowns, allowing you to make informed decisions regarding your preferences and budget.

Factors Affecting Furnishing Costs

The key factors that impact the overall expense include:

1. Size and Type of House

As Nigerians embark on the thrilling journey of setting up a new home, furnishing costs become a central consideration. Let’s spotlight the critical factors that significantly influence your budget: the size and type of the house. For instance;

Studio Apartment vs. 4-Bedroom Detached House

The choice of houses ranges from a cozy studio apartment in Nigeria, where space is at a premium, to the expansive canvas of a 4-bedroom detached house. Each presents its unique set of challenges and opportunities for furnishing.

Visualizing the Difference

Imagine the efficiency required in furnishing a studio apartment, where every piece must serve a dual purpose to maximize functionality. Contrast this with the 4-bedroom detached house, where the challenge lies in filling the ample space with a cohesive design. Visual aids, such as images of each type of house, crystallize a sharper understanding.

Impact of Room Numbers and Functions

The number of rooms and their functions add layers to the furnishing puzzle. The bedroom, living room, kitchen, and other spaces require thoughtful consideration. The function of a room dictates the essential furniture, influencing the overall cost.

2.Location Matters

Comparing Lagos and Abuja

The pricing differences between Lagos and Abuja are essential for Nigerians planning their home setup. Lagos, the bustling economic hub, often presents a higher price tag influenced by the cost of living. Meanwhile, Abuja, the capital, offers a different market dynamic. Understanding these disparities helps tailor your budget to your chosen city.

Proximity to Markets and Artisans

The location’s influence extends to proximity to furniture markets and local artisans. Lagos, with its diverse markets, provides abundant choices, while Abuja’s accessibility to skilled local artisans can impact customization options. The closer you are to these resources, the more control you have over costs and unique design elements.

3.      Desired Furnishing Level

From Necessities to Luxury

Visual aids like graphics offer a clear representation of each level. From essential furnishings for practical living to the opulence of luxury decor, the spectrum allows you to align your choices with your financial comfort.

4.      Style Preferences

Showcasing Nigerian Styles

Explore the popularity of modern, traditional, and eclectic styles. Images bring these styles to life, helping you envision your home’s aesthetic. From sleek and contemporary to culturally rich and eclectic, your choice significantly influences the overall cost.

5. Material Choices and Brand Impact

Certain materials command higher prices, and brand reputation often comes with a premium. This insight ensures you make informed choices, balancing quality and budget constraints.

Read Also: Essential furniture checklist for a new home: How to Prioritize furniture purchases on a tight budget

Room-by-Room Cost Breakdown

Embarking on the journey to furnish your home in Nigeria sparks excitement and curiosity. We break down the costs room by room, providing a pragmatic approach to your home furnishing endeavors.

1. Living Room

  • Essential Furniture

The heartbeat of your home, the living room, demands careful consideration. Essential pieces like sofas, coffee tables, and TV stands set the tone.

  • Estimated Price Ranges

Whether on a budget or aiming for luxury, we provide estimated price ranges for each essential. From budget-friendly options to mid-range and luxury choices, understanding the spectrum ensures you make decisions aligned with your financial comfort.

  • Additional Decor Elements

The living room isn’t complete without the right ambiance. Briefly explore additional decor elements like rugs, curtains, and lighting that add the finishing touches to your space.

2. Dining Room

  • Complete Dining Sets

Moving to the heart of family gatherings, the dining room and the components of a complete dining set – tables, chairs, and buffets/sideboards affect the cost. Different materials and seating capacities influence the overall cost.

  • Image Aid

Visual aids, including images of well-arranged dining room furniture, bring the concepts to life, helping you envision your dining space before making choices.

3. Bedroom

  • Emphasis on Quality

Your sanctuary deserves meticulous attention. Focus on beds, mattresses, wardrobes, and nightstands. Mattress quality has a direct impact on the overall cost. Quality sleep is an investment in your well-being.

  • Image Assistance

Accompanying images of a thoughtfully arranged bedroom provide inspiration and practical insights for optimizing your space.

3. Kitchen

  • Essential Kitchen Furniture

The heart of your culinary adventures, the kitchen, deserves careful consideration. Significant appliances like cabinets, countertops, and stools/chairs assist in visualizing a well-organized kitchen.

4. Other Rooms

  • Versatility in Furnishing

Other rooms, such as bathrooms, home offices, and children’s rooms, also contribute to the costs of furnishing a house in Nigeria.

How to Furnish Your Nigerian Home without Breaking the Bank

Furnishing your home in Nigeria is an exhilarating journey; we unveil cost-saving tips that empower you to create a stylish haven without draining your wallet.

  • Shop Around and Compare Prices

In the Nigerian marketplace, prices can vary significantly. Whether you’re exploring the bustling markets of Lagos or the artisan hubs in Abuja, take the time to shop around. Compare prices from different vendors, both online and offline, to ensure you’re getting the best value for your money.

  • Consider Second-Hand Furniture or Local Artisans

Opting for second-hand furniture or collaborating with local artisans can be a game-changer. Not only does it often come with a lower price tag, but it also contributes to sustainable practices. Explore vintage markets or connect with skilled local artisans who can craft custom pieces to your taste and budget.

  • Prioritize Essential Items and Add Gradually

Creating a well-furnished home doesn’t mean everything must be acquired simultaneously. Prioritize essential items that form the backbone of your living space – a comfortable sofa, a sturdy dining table, or a quality bed. Once these essentials are in place, you can gradually add other items as your budget allows.

  • Utilize DIY Projects for Personal Touches

Injecting a personal touch into your home doesn’t have to come with a hefty price tag. Embrace the world of DIY projects. Whether refurbishing old furniture, creating unique decor pieces, or even repainting walls, DIY projects add character to your space while keeping costs down.

  • Set a Budget and Stick to It

The golden rule in cost-effective furnishing is setting a budget and sticking to it. Determine the maximum amount you will spend on each room and category. This disciplined approach ensures you make informed decisions, preventing overspending on impulse buys.

Average Cost to Furnish a Home

When embarking on the exciting journey of furnishing a new home in Nigeria, budget considerations play a pivotal role. The average cost to furnish a house can vary based on personal style, preferences, and space size.

Typically, Nigerians spend anywhere from ₦500,000 to ₦5,000,000 on furnishing their homes. This range encompasses a variety of choices, from budget-friendly options to more luxurious selections. Remember that these figures are rough estimates and can fluctuate based on individual circumstances.

To break it down further, let’s dig into specific areas of home furnishings:

Living Room

  • Furniture: Sofas, chairs, and tables can cost between ₦100,000 to ₦1,000,000.
  • Electronics: Television, sound systems, and other gadgets may add ₦200,000 to ₦1,000,000.


  • Bed and Mattress: A good quality bed and mattress can range from ₦50,000 to ₦500,000.
  • Wardrobe: Depending on size and material, wardrobes may cost between ₦30,000 to ₦300,000.


  • Appliances: Basic kitchen appliances like a refrigerator, stove, and microwave can add ₦100,000 to ₦500,000 to the overall cost.
  • Utensils and Cookware: Budgeting ₦50,000 to ₦100,000 for kitchen essentials is reasonable.

How to Save Money on Home Furnishings

  1. Buy Secondhand: Explore local markets or online platforms for gently used furniture and appliances.
  2. DIY Projects: Get creative with do-it-yourself projects for decor and smaller furnishings.
  3. Compare Prices: Shop around and compare prices from different vendors to get the best deals.

More Considerations When Furnishing a Home

Beyond the financial aspect, there are other crucial considerations when furnishing your home in Nigeria:

  • Cultural Aesthetics: Consider incorporating elements of Nigerian culture into your home decor for a personalized touch.
  • Climate Considerations: Choose materials and fabrics that can withstand the country’s climate to ensure longevity.


The cost of furnishing a house in Nigeria is as diverse as the nation. Embrace this diversity, prioritize wisely, and set budgets that align with your financial reality. Your home should be a sanctuary, not a financial burden.

Furnishing a house in Nigeria is like orchestrating a symphony of style, comfort, and budget considerations. For those on a tight budget, starting around ₦500,000 can still bring style and comfort to your living space.

With a mid-range budget between ₦1,000,000 to ₦3,000,000, you can elevate your home with quality furnishings. This range allows for a mix of new and slightly more upscale pieces.

The high rollers with budgets soaring above ₦5,000,000 can curate an opulent living experience. From designer furniture to state-of-the-art appliances, the possibilities are limitless.

Amidst the dazzle of decor possibilities, it’s crucial to prioritize needs over wants. Understand that your home is a canvas, and your choices paint the masterpiece.

Remember that creating a comfortable and personalized home is the ultimate goal. Your home should reflect your personality and cater to your lifestyle.


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